Released in 2017, Blade Runner 2049 is an American science fiction film that was written by Michael Green and Hampton Fancher and directed by Denis Villeneuve. This is a sequel to Blade Runner produced in 1982 and it stars Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling among other prominent actors in supporting roles. Since its release this …
Category Archives: Movie
James Knight Bafta Reviews: Manchester by the Sea
We all grieve, yet we grieve in many different ways. Manchester by the Sea, a movie that received 6 nominations at the 89th Academy Awards, won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor and was nominated in four more categories is a movie that opens with a man being told that his brother has died …
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James Knight Bafta Reviews: Moana
Despite its fairytale image, Disney animated movies tend more toward cultural diversity and female empowerment more so than other Hollywood studios. The latest such Disney film, Moana, takes these concepts to new levels while still blending in its traditional methods such as Disney’s strong use of music and positive storytelling involving heroic deeds. Moana deftly …
James Knight Bafta Reviews: Moonlight
Moonlight is a mind blowing film about man who battles with finding his sexuality amidst the efficient and coldblooded sexual mistreatment that has its underlying foundations drawn from all parts of American culture. Set principally in Miami, Florida and told in three unmistakably unique parts, Moonlight narratives the life of Chiron, at initial a young …